The Duke's Memorial Page


This page is dedicated to "The Duke"

Duke was a smart, intellegant dog, that didnt know he was a dog, but he could learn a trick within minutes. He didnt know how to comprehend things. He wasnt smart when it came to other things. But he was a good dog. He got his name because of John Wayne. I was watching a movie where he was called The Duke. Duke was a strange dog.

He was born in November 2000 Shortly before Mr.Bo My other dog who was 10 times smarter than Duke, and by far a better dog in tempermant died. We didnt get Duke befor Mr.Bo died, but aftarwards.

Duke was hit by a car September 28 2002 on I15. He had gotten off of his leash but the collar stayed on. When we found him on sunday his collar was missing, I have yet to find it. I will have pictures up soon to immortalize Duke, and Mr.Bo